杭州亚运会来了!想到各位运动健儿在赛场上奋力拼搏的身影,商城君开始期待得搓手手了!“超越自我,创造历史”用英文怎么说更地道呢?一起来学!carve out a place in history意为“在历史上留下重要的印记或成就”。With his many contributions to the field of science, Albert Einsteincarved out a place in historyas one of the greatest minds of all time.阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦在科学领域做出了许多贡献,作为有史以来最有智慧的人之一,他名留青史。make history意为“创造历史”。She made history by becoming the first woman to hold the position.她成为第一位担任该职位的女性,创造了历史。go down in history意为“载入史册”。This battle willgo down in historyas one of our most important victories.这场战斗将作为我们最重要的胜利之一载入史册。etch one’s name in the history books意为“载入史册”。With her contributions to human rights and social justice, Rosa Parksetched her name in the history books as a symbol of courage.罗莎·帕克斯为人权和社会正义做出了贡献,她的名字被作为勇气的象征铭刻在历史书中。来源:21世纪英文报编辑:鲁蒙海审核:海 新终审:张 扬